Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Coping Up With Shyness In Children

It is not surprising that some children would feel shy, especially when they are in unfamiliar places or are with their parents attending an event that they think they cannot relate.
However, there are children who can’t seem to outgrow their shyness as they bring it on even until they reach adulthood. These children need special attention since they might go on to develop other behavioral problems, not just shyness.
Experts suggest that parents should do something to help their children overcome their shyness. Here are some tips to help them get started.
Understand the shyness of your children. It would be unusual for children to feel shy for no apparent reason.
There must be something that causes it. And it is the responsibility of every parent to know this. It would help if parents will ask their children why they feel shy in the first place. Perhaps they are afraid of something. Talking to them would help them release that fear. And as parents, you must give an assurance that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Your shy children might have been experiencing moments of confusion, anxiety, excitement, embarrassment or pleasure. Experts say that shyness arising from the child’s temperament would never be a problem, unless the child views it as a problem.
Some experts say that shy children may often have one parent who is also shy so he/she gets the shyness gene from the parent. If this is the case, it would help if the shy parent would also show to the child how he/she would work to overcome his/her shyness. This way, the shy child would have a role model to look up to. The shy parent must know how to manage his/her shyness also for his/her child to emulate.
It would greatly help if parents can thoroughly explain to their shy children that shyness is just one way to manage their uncomfortable feelings.
Give special attention to your shy child. Some children feel shy because they are experiencing excessive emotional concerns. This pushes the child to inhibit from anything, especially in social gatherings. Hence, parents must give focus on the cause of the inhibition, which could be due to anxiety, sadness, shame or other painful feelings. If the shyness is due to emotional inhibition, it would help if parents would seek professional evaluation and treatment.
Experts say that some shy children are deep-thinkers. Some are shy because they want to protect the inner peace they have with themselves. But this is not a cause of alarm for parents because this type of shyness can eventually make them good when it comes to reasoning. What should send an alarm is if the shyness is a manifestation of inner problems, not inner peace.
The child could be operating from fear and anger, rather than peace and trust.
Overcoming shyness in children cannot be achieved overnight. It is a long process. And parents need lots of patience to be able to help their children fight away their feeling of shyness.


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