Sunday, March 15, 2015

Copper Peptide Helps In Healing Process

Most people may experience having wounds at some point in their lives. And most often, these wounds would heal by themselves.

The human body is capable of mending whatever is broken inside it, including healing a wound 

by minimizing the formation of scars and improving skin remodeling. And one wound-healing 
agent that the body naturally has is a class of compound called copper peptides.

Peptides are small fragments of proteins. Some kinds of peptides bind tightly to copper, which results to a compound called copper peptide.

Recent studies show that copper peptides also have anti-wrinkle functions similar to how this 

compound heals wounds, due to its tissue regenerating ability.

It was Dr. Loren Pickart who discovered the benefits of copper peptides for tissue regeneration.

Dr. Pickart found some specific copper peptides, particularly GHK (GHK-Cu), that were effective 

in healing wounds, skin lesions and some gastrointestinal conditions. His research resulted to 

the formulation of Iamin gel, which is used to treat acute and chronic wounds and ulcers.

According to Dr. Pickart’s research, GHK copper peptides are effective in reducing scar tissue 

formation and stimulate normal skin remodeling, thereby helping restore damaged skin.

Copper peptides also have anti-inflammatory effects that are effective in treating various forms of skin irritation, particularly those that are caused by skin rejuvenation treatments like 

tretinoin and alpha hydroxy acids. Skin irritations are believed to accelerate skin aging as it promotes the formation of free radicals. 

Copper peptide facilitates faster and better healing of any skin condition because of its anti-
inflammatory effect. It reportedly has the ability to regulate growth rate and migration of different types of cells. 

Copper peptides also help the skin recover from excessive exposure to harsh ingredients that are commonly found in most home-based products like shampoos and cleansers.
This compound is also found to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin. 

Collagen is a protein that maintains the elasticity, firmness and suppleness of skin. As people 

age, the amount of collagen in the body decreases, resulting to the appearance of wrinkles, age spots and fine lines.

One study shows that copper peptides stimulate the production of collagen thereby lessening 

the formation of wrinkles and other signs of aging.

Copper peptide is a promising skin treatment. It is now widely used in anti-aging cosmetic 
products, particularly facial creams, which researchers say are very effective in increasing collagen in photoaged skin, much more effective than vitamin C and retinoic acid.

It was also found that copper peptides are useful after some skin treatment procedures like laser resurfacing, dermabrasion and chemical peels. However, dermatologists warn that consumers who plan to use copper peptide after a procedure should first consult their doctor.
A facial study conducted on women who use cream with copper peptide showed there is 

significant improvement on their skin’s laxity, clarity and appearance. They also have reduced fine lines and depths of wrinkles.

Another study also showed that copper peptide cream improved skin appearance and reduced wrinkles.

Aside from this, there are also studies that proved that copper peptide stimulates hair growth. 
As a whole, copper peptide helps minimize damage to skin caused by detergents, overexposure to sun, wind, some conditions like acne and even small wounds or abrasions. 

Though copper peptides have been proven to stimulate the production of collagen and 

promote skin healing while preventing wrinkles, dermatologists say that excessive use may 

have an opposite effect.


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